
Tips for Surviving Online School

Hi Everyone, The pandemic has definitely caught us all by surprise. Though, it has provided us with many changes that are both good and bad, there are a lot of things that have generated mixed reactions. One of them is online learning. Some people have found the opportunity of being responsible for completing their work and meeting deadlines for assignments easy as pie!  While for others (including me), it was a really hard thing that definitely took a long time to get adjusted to. Though I am not yet completely adjusted, some things I did helped me become more comfortable. Here are some tips that helped me and will definitely help you too! • Keep track of Assignments Well, with these online classes no one is actually paying attention (atleast it looks like it) as to whether we complete our work. So, let's slack off!! ....Not something I would advise, as a person who has already fallen into this rabbit hole. It just makes things a lot worse for us. Something that can he...

3 Tips For A Productive Sunday

Hey Guys!! Today, I am going to give you 3 tips on how to make your Sundays productive, which in turn helps to kickstart your week off in a good way!! I personally love sleeping in on Sundays(which is not at all wrong!), but it makes me sluggish and disorganized and the whole week just turns out be a disappointment! However, recently I started following these tips and they created a great difference and helped me to get organized and have a smooth start to a new week. So, here are the 3 tips that helped me.  1. Wake up early Yes, yes, I know that Sunday is our favorite day to sleep in....I still have trouble getting up early. But getting up early on a Sunday can give you a lot of time for reflection and recreation. I am not asking you to get up at 5am, instead wake up at a time you usually get up to prep for work, school or something like that. A really good time (that probably works for all..atkeast it does for me) to wake up would be 7 or 8am. It gives us a lot of time to slo...

My Top Ten Motivational Quotes

 Hey Guys!! This is my first blog post and...I can't believe I finally decided to start one!! Starting a blog has always been sitting on my wish list since I was 13. I have always loved writing and sharing my views with others. So, I am really excited and I hope you will like my blog!! We find many quotes on social media almost daily. Some are not so good and we just browse through them but there are some quotes that get our attention and we think a bit about it. Then, there are also some that stay with us forever and just reading them makes us inspired and motivated. So, here are some of the quotes that have never ceased to motivate me- "To shine like the sun, first burn like the sun."   - A.P.J Abdul Kalam                               "A Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." - Thomas Alva Edison                   "Because the peopl...